all postcodes in NP15 / USK

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Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District

NP15 / USK

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP15 1YN 1 0 51.702422 -2.905638
NP15 1YS 1 0 51.702422 -2.905638
NP15 1YX 1 1 51.702422 -2.905638
NP15 1GZ 0 51.704361 -2.897537
NP15 1QU 0 51.665905 -2.910296
NP15 1WP 1 0 51.702422 -2.905638
NP15 1TS 18 0 51.708562 -2.896483
NP15 1TR 27 0 51.709381 -2.895958
NP15 1TN 61 0 51.708752 -2.895916
NP15 1TZ 0 51.709222 -2.894435
NP15 1QQ 2 0 51.65307 -2.929515
NP15 1GA 1 1 51.71209 -2.91778
NP15 1BR 0 51.702535 -2.901545
NP15 1GY 0 51.733443 -2.928601
NP15 2AA 9 2 51.767346 -2.866224
NP15 2BX 23 10 51.768012 -2.861237
NP15 2AB 1 0 51.775423 -2.884003
NP15 2AE 7 0 51.777174 -2.884269
NP15 2AF 5 0 51.775796 -2.885851
NP15 2AG 2 0 51.781768 -2.891945