all postcodes in NP15 / USK

find any address or company within the NP15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District

NP15 / USK

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP15 2JZ 13 0 51.767068 -2.84638
NP15 2LA 5 0 51.766285 -2.846481
NP15 2LB 2 0 51.766481 -2.845939
NP15 2LD 15 1 51.773689 -2.835938
NP15 2LE 12 1 51.802115 -2.847805
NP15 2LF 10 0 51.810315 -2.846595
NP15 2LG 6 0 51.800842 -2.848477
NP15 2LH 11 0 51.787504 -2.84537
NP15 2LJ 11 0 51.811338 -2.882298
NP15 2LL 2 0 51.811396 -2.862909
NP15 2LN 4 0 51.783819 -2.831722
NP15 2LQ 6 0 51.814473 -2.851522
NP15 2LU 5 0 51.795212 -2.905343
NP15 2LX 2 0 51.795247 -2.90603
NP15 2LY 5 0 51.806832 -2.895612
NP15 2LZ 5 0 51.806115 -2.909362
NP15 2NA 1 0 51.798418 -2.914036
NP15 2NB 2 0 51.799968 -2.907053
NP15 2YA 1 0 51.702422 -2.905638
NP15 2YB 1 1 51.785192 -2.912812