all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 5YE 1 51.640738 -2.672939
NP16 5YF 1 51.640738 -2.672939
NP16 5YS 2 51.635722 -2.683954
NP16 5YX 1 51.639274 -2.686631
NP16 5ZT 1 51.642472 -2.67467
NP16 5FE 0 51.641596 -2.675704
NP16 5UH 12 10 51.621124 -2.67072
NP16 5WD 1 1 51.640738 -2.672939
NP16 5XH 1 51.640738 -2.672939
NP16 5GB 20 0 51.621616 -2.667673
NP16 5GF 4 0 51.620581 -2.66643
NP16 5GH 16 1 51.621192 -2.666734
NP16 5GE 36 0 51.620755 -2.667444
NP16 5UP 1 51.622719 -2.671682
NP16 5UJ 24 0 51.643286 -2.681749
NP16 5FF 4 0 51.63803 -2.679784
NP16 5UD 0 51.627558 -2.673054