all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 5BA 18 0 51.636177 -2.684215
NP16 5BB 2 1 51.633927 -2.686354
NP16 5BD 39 0 51.63478 -2.683312
NP16 5BE 21 0 51.633654 -2.680565
NP16 5BG 5 0 51.633442 -2.686333
NP16 5BH 21 0 51.634117 -2.679806
NP16 5BJ 16 0 51.636733 -2.685957
NP16 5BL 9 0 51.639018 -2.684315
NP16 5BN 1 0 51.6389 -2.68453
NP16 5BP 36 0 51.64053 -2.684107
NP16 5BQ 27 0 51.633599 -2.682283
NP16 5BR 2 0 51.639842 -2.682123
NP16 5BS 20 1 51.639661 -2.680776
NP16 5BT 5 0 51.636336 -2.684708
NP16 5BU 18 0 51.632605 -2.681488
NP16 5BW 16 0 51.632947 -2.683039
NP16 5BX 41 0 51.631657 -2.682254
NP16 5BY 3 2 51.640161 -2.67952
NP16 5BZ 43 1 51.640134 -2.674737
NP16 5DA 5 2 51.640598 -2.677365