all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 5EB 33 0 51.637598 -2.673298
NP16 5ED 2 0 51.639423 -2.675252
NP16 5EE 10 0 51.637603 -2.674078
NP16 5EF 34 0 51.63974 -2.676017
NP16 5EG 19 0 51.638425 -2.684306
NP16 5EH 40 0 51.63758 -2.684149
NP16 5EJ 11 4 51.642106 -2.675908
NP16 5EL 11 8 51.641339 -2.676301
NP16 5EN 4 2 51.641911 -2.675622
NP16 5EP 22 17 51.642335 -2.675102
NP16 5EQ 31 0 51.643271 -2.673468
NP16 5ER 17 4 51.642745 -2.674579
NP16 5ES 8 0 51.643068 -2.674347
NP16 5ET 16 6 51.642673 -2.674225
NP16 5EU 38 17 51.642279 -2.673988
NP16 5EW 28 10 51.642613 -2.673719
NP16 5EX 5 4 51.642846 -2.673852
NP16 5EY 32 3 51.643827 -2.673607
NP16 5EZ 44 7 51.64507 -2.672113
NP16 5HE 29 0 51.644813 -2.671049