all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 6TN 0 51.69869 -2.692624
NP16 6TP 1 51.698059 -2.71384
NP16 6TQ 0 51.698042 -2.685514
NP16 6TR 0 51.700343 -2.707886
NP16 6TS 0 51.698739 -2.705575
NP16 6TT 0 51.699064 -2.71321
NP16 6TU 0 51.699138 -2.701935
NP16 6TW 0 51.699086 -2.693126
NP16 6TX 0 51.70745 -2.684566
NP16 6TY 0 51.705906 -2.683979
NP16 6TZ 0 51.651106 -2.772163
NP16 6UA 0 51.640164 -2.755402
NP16 6UB 0 51.629998 -2.696749
NP16 6UD 10 51.61607 -2.676922
NP16 6UE 0 51.629846 -2.698191
NP16 6UF 0 51.620692 -2.693689
NP16 6UG 0 51.721514 -2.708434
NP16 6UH 0 51.627292 -2.799964
NP16 6UN 10 51.61869 -2.670071
NP16 6UP 3 51.615731 -2.671732