all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 6LF 4 51.626423 -2.702155
NP16 6LG 0 51.621082 -2.700922
NP16 6LH 0 51.627427 -2.699657
NP16 6LJ 0 51.618234 -2.710767
NP16 6LL 0 51.619397 -2.716303
NP16 6LN 0 51.634698 -2.782793
NP16 6LP 0 51.629241 -2.798972
NP16 6LQ 0 51.628483 -2.699138
NP16 6LR 0 51.620902 -2.706692
NP16 6LS 0 51.627559 -2.736859
NP16 6LT 0 51.639535 -2.754226
NP16 6LU 0 51.624578 -2.791503
NP16 6LW 0 51.627749 -2.797293
NP16 6LX 1 51.627788 -2.799533
NP16 6LY 0 51.622002 -2.796109
NP16 6LZ 0 51.634156 -2.813545
NP16 6NA 0 51.723203 -2.708706
NP16 6NB 0 51.688109 -2.749473
NP16 6ND 0 51.723566 -2.718513
NP16 6NE 0 51.72374 -2.719515