all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 7EB 0 51.648607 -2.661652
NP16 7ED 0 51.644249 -2.664219
NP16 7EE 0 51.645509 -2.66405
NP16 7EF 0 51.64598 -2.661917
NP16 7EG 0 51.64555 -2.666319
NP16 7EH 0 51.644048 -2.664881
NP16 7EJ 0 51.643313 -2.66448
NP16 7EL 0 51.641965 -2.662726
NP16 7EN 0 51.647728 -2.664429
NP16 7EP 0 51.648562 -2.66486
NP16 7EQ 0 51.644637 -2.665598
NP16 7ER 0 51.640939 -2.664474
NP16 7ES 0 51.641841 -2.663938
NP16 7ET 0 51.640591 -2.663963
NP16 7EU 0 51.639645 -2.664282
NP16 7EW 0 51.638704 -2.65621
NP16 7EX 0 51.634937 -2.654422
NP16 7EY 0 51.635994 -2.648773
NP16 7EZ 0 51.639513 -2.65587
NP16 7FA 0 51.639026 -2.664157