all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 5DB 25 11 51.640716 -2.676769
NP16 5DD 19 7 51.640316 -2.677471
NP16 5DE 12 7 51.64018 -2.6777
NP16 5DF 18 3 51.640035 -2.677972
NP16 5DG 7 1 51.639818 -2.678143
NP16 5DH 10 1 51.6408 -2.677825
NP16 5DJ 22 0 51.639194 -2.677122
NP16 5DL 21 0 51.639 -2.674937
NP16 5DN 26 0 51.6382 -2.674983
NP16 5DP 29 0 51.638311 -2.672889
NP16 5DQ 2 0 51.635955 -2.674796
NP16 5DR 6 0 51.638622 -2.676535
NP16 5DS 20 0 51.637905 -2.676178
NP16 5DT 27 0 51.637464 -2.676301
NP16 5DU 2 0 51.637704 -2.677019
NP16 5DW 22 0 51.636726 -2.675068
NP16 5DX 51 0 51.638039 -2.673512
NP16 5DY 42 0 51.636335 -2.673958
NP16 5DZ 4 0 51.635217 -2.671442
NP16 5EA 27 0 51.63616 -2.673204