all postcodes in NP19 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP19 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP19 0DL 4 0 51.586644 -2.982829
NP19 0DN 28 1 51.585901 -2.983477
NP19 0DP 28 1 51.585787 -2.983186
NP19 0DQ 15 5 51.5864 -2.982151
NP19 0DR 27 1 51.585603 -2.982619
NP19 0DS 43 0 51.585377 -2.981661
NP19 0DT 30 0 51.584722 -2.980478
NP19 0DU 30 0 51.58455 -2.98059
NP19 0DW 13 7 51.584182 -2.978302
NP19 0DX 28 0 51.584975 -2.980267
NP19 0DY 42 0 51.584971 -2.979719
NP19 0DZ 41 16 51.585366 -2.97977
NP19 0EA 21 1 51.585249 -2.9787
NP19 0EB 26 4 51.585928 -2.980317
NP19 0ED 16 1 51.586934 -2.980396
NP19 0EE 21 0 51.587802 -2.978726
NP19 0EF 35 0 51.587458 -2.979108
NP19 0EG 9 0 51.587282 -2.979711
NP19 0EH 5 0 51.586722 -2.979973
NP19 0EJ 40 0 51.586671 -2.979625