all postcodes in NP20 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP20 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP20 4EB 0 51.582394 -2.997459
NP20 4ED 6 51.58268 -2.99976
NP20 4EE 0 51.582575 -2.999397
NP20 4EF 0 51.582054 -2.999299
NP20 4EG 0 51.58164 -2.99724
NP20 4EH 0 51.58228 -2.994988
NP20 4EJ 2 51.583351 -2.993814
NP20 4EL 2 51.583194 -2.99534
NP20 4EN 0 51.583839 -2.995643
NP20 4EP 1 51.584187 -2.9949
NP20 4EQ 1 51.584025 -2.995921
NP20 4ER 0 51.582348 -2.998806
NP20 4ES 0 51.581631 -3.000429
NP20 4ET 0 51.581971 -3.000625
NP20 4EU 0 51.584114 -2.999257
NP20 4EW 3 51.583242 -3.000191
NP20 4EX 21 51.583795 -2.999741
NP20 4EY 0 51.582471 -3.00104
NP20 4EZ 1 51.581452 -3.001349
NP20 4FA 0 51.580275 -3.003416