all postcodes in NP20 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP20 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP20 9LN 1 0 51.591274 -2.997053
NP20 9LP 1 51.591274 -2.997053
NP20 9LQ 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9LR 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9LS 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9LT 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9LU 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9LY 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9LW 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9LX 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9LL 0 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9NA 1 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9NE 1 1 51.591274 -2.997053
NP20 9NF 1 1 51.591358 -2.997453
NP20 9NG 1 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9NH 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9NS 0 51.591274 -2.997053
NP20 9NX 1 51.591272 -2.997047
NP20 9NY 1 51.591274 -2.997053
NP20 9ZZ 1 51.588652 -3.005809