all postcodes in NP22 / TREDEGAR

find any address or company within the NP22 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP22 4DE 46 0 51.787034 -3.243288
NP22 4DF 10 0 51.785415 -3.242489
NP22 4DG 35 0 51.785801 -3.244297
NP22 4DH 29 0 51.791855 -3.261748
NP22 4DJ 22 0 51.791821 -3.260703
NP22 4DL 34 0 51.788161 -3.249814
NP22 4DN 5 0 51.787065 -3.245521
NP22 4DP 1 0 51.793922 -3.243761
NP22 4DQ 26 0 51.787088 -3.244159
NP22 4DR 8 0 51.786969 -3.246881
NP22 4DS 28 0 51.788378 -3.253894
NP22 4DT 6 0 51.785803 -3.248786
NP22 4DU 4 0 51.787143 -3.250815
NP22 4DW 1 1 51.787562 -3.246129
NP22 4DX 28 0 51.78592 -3.246591
NP22 4DY 7 0 51.787797 -3.246803
NP22 4DZ 7 0 51.787247 -3.246947
NP22 4EB 3 0 51.787246 -3.247918
NP22 4ED 43 0 51.786527 -3.248725
NP22 4EE 10 2 51.787824 -3.2485