all postcodes in NP26 / CALDICOT

find any address or company within the NP26 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP26 4DS 35 1 51.595789 -2.758626
NP26 4DT 14 0 51.594848 -2.7609
NP26 4DU 12 0 51.594265 -2.760766
NP26 4DW 16 0 51.594756 -2.761274
NP26 4DX 50 0 51.593199 -2.762894
NP26 4DY 16 0 51.594339 -2.761729
NP26 4DZ 20 0 51.594003 -2.763586
NP26 4EA 40 0 51.594739 -2.762429
NP26 4EB 26 2 51.595621 -2.761019
NP26 4ED 16 0 51.596279 -2.759413
NP26 4EE 29 1 51.59346 -2.758654
NP26 4EF 16 0 51.59321 -2.759747
NP26 4EG 22 0 51.592484 -2.76076
NP26 4EH 36 0 51.591984 -2.761545
NP26 4EJ 26 0 51.593198 -2.761595
NP26 4EL 28 0 51.59417 -2.760138
NP26 4EN 47 0 51.592532 -2.756054
NP26 4EQ 13 0 51.588871 -2.754983
NP26 4EU 31 0 51.591663 -2.755636
NP26 4EW 29 1 51.590785 -2.757921