all postcodes in NP4 / PONTYPOOL

find any address or company within the NP4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP4 7TN 19 0 51.7226 -3.063909
NP4 7TP 5 0 51.722548 -3.061765
NP4 7TQ 2 0 51.721561 -3.068785
NP4 7TS 1 0 51.722639 -3.062549
NP4 7TT 13 0 51.723071 -3.065527
NP4 7TU 2 0 51.723243 -3.066682
NP4 7TW 2 0 51.722275 -3.062403
NP4 7TX 1 0 51.723275 -3.074682
NP4 7TZ 5 0 51.743022 -3.071573
NP4 7UA 3 0 51.744039 -3.074776
NP4 7UD 3 0 51.742036 -3.080421
NP4 7UE 4 0 51.740316 -3.081372
NP4 7UF 22 0 51.732968 -3.077663
NP4 7UG 3 1 51.733458 -3.077182
NP4 7UJ 9 0 51.748955 -3.067817
NP4 7UL 5 0 51.749448 -3.06793
NP4 7UN 20 0 51.74926 -3.06631
NP4 7UQ 2 0 51.734375 -3.081469
NP4 7UR 2 0 51.726059 -3.080286
NP4 7US 12 0 51.72497 -3.081064