all postcodes in NP4 / PONTYPOOL

find any address or company within the NP4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP4 9DQ 16 0 51.77038 -3.098235
NP4 9DR 2 0 51.769753 -3.084778
NP4 9DS 4 0 51.769448 -3.084329
NP4 9DT 1 0 51.771734 -3.098573
NP4 9DX 4 0 51.758147 -3.066469
NP4 9DY 8 0 51.766824 -3.079679
NP4 9DZ 5 0 51.757857 -3.062767
NP4 9EA 4 0 51.755934 -3.062077
NP4 9ED 5 0 51.764517 -3.067996
NP4 9EH 22 0 51.772164 -3.08422
NP4 9EJ 1 1 51.772531 -3.084403
NP4 9EL 34 0 51.772119 -3.082306
NP4 9EN 3 0 51.77251 -3.082779
NP4 9BB 1 0 51.77241 -3.082922
NP4 9EP 32 1 51.773715 -3.081779
NP4 9ER 42 0 51.772455 -3.081952
NP4 9ET 9 1 51.772764 -3.083524
NP4 9EU 12 1 51.77321 -3.082955
NP4 9EW 20 0 51.773 -3.082298
NP4 9EX 24 0 51.773146 -3.083012