all postcodes in NP44 / CWMBRAN

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Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP44 3HE 0 51.631014 -3.003495
NP44 3HF 0 51.631264 -3.004657
NP44 3HG 0 51.631803 -3.003672
NP44 3HH 0 51.631515 -3.0017
NP44 3HJ 0 51.632014 -3.001075
NP44 3HL 0 51.63103 -3.0026
NP44 3HN 0 51.632824 -3.005283
NP44 3HP 3 51.629691 -3.009136
NP44 3HQ 1 51.629015 -3.011108
NP44 3HS 0 51.632633 -3.001291
NP44 3JA 1 51.644648 -3.025041
NP44 3JL 1 51.646725 -3.023918
NP44 3JN 12 51.646779 -3.021895
NP44 3JP 4 51.645799 -3.01985
NP44 3JQ 11 51.653147 -3.027835
NP44 3JR 1 51.648804 -3.022736
NP44 3JS 12 51.647626 -3.022695
NP44 3JT 0 51.646959 -3.022897
NP44 3JU 28 51.64495 -3.020279
NP44 3JW 0 51.646183 -3.020148