all postcodes in NP44 / CWMBRAN

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Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP44 1DL 13 6 51.658683 -3.026168
NP44 1DN 28 1 51.659902 -3.02587
NP44 1DP 13 0 51.658033 -3.027454
NP44 1DQ 31 0 51.661434 -3.026143
NP44 1DR 27 0 51.658691 -3.027238
NP44 1DS 11 0 51.65918 -3.026873
NP44 1DT 12 0 51.659642 -3.025394
NP44 1DU 7 1 51.660103 -3.025202
NP44 1DW 26 9 51.660579 -3.025582
NP44 1DX 8 0 51.661937 -3.024159
NP44 1DY 14 8 51.661289 -3.025272
NP44 1DZ 13 10 51.66103 -3.025035
NP44 1EA 2 0 51.661733 -3.025159
NP44 1EB 20 0 51.663065 -3.024705
NP44 1ED 8 0 51.662641 -3.026908
NP44 1EE 12 8 51.661542 -3.025133
NP44 1EF 39 1 51.662282 -3.02476
NP44 1EG 15 3 51.661529 -3.025567
NP44 1EH 25 0 51.662182 -3.02697
NP44 1EJ 6 0 51.661669 -3.027016