all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 0DN 8 0 51.828202 -3.099293
NP7 0DP 3 0 51.826445 -3.094868
NP7 0DQ 15 0 51.820188 -3.112083
NP7 0DS 9 1 51.82906 -3.092189
NP7 0DT 8 0 51.827864 -3.092718
NP7 0DU 12 0 51.826061 -3.092726
NP7 0DW 17 0 51.82735 -3.098083
NP7 0DX 14 0 51.824893 -3.083861
NP7 0DY 14 0 51.824743 -3.098092
NP7 0DZ 14 0 51.820925 -3.111144
NP7 0EA 36 0 51.831601 -3.094985
NP7 0EB 21 7 51.829212 -3.082513
NP7 0EE 25 0 51.833462 -3.094102
NP7 0EF 2 0 51.823696 -3.077629
NP7 0EG 3 0 51.830612 -3.096449
NP7 0EH 11 1 51.831135 -3.105808
NP7 0EL 20 0 51.825377 -3.100487
NP7 0EN 53 0 51.82408 -3.101703
NP7 0EP 8 1 51.823609 -3.09971
NP7 0EQ 7 0 51.831478 -3.082466