all postcodes in NR1 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR1 4HE 16 0 52.633223 1.314832
NR1 4HF 9 0 52.63379 1.316752
NR1 4HG 8 1 52.633502 1.316775
NR1 4HH 65 0 52.635019 1.316549
NR1 4HJ 1 0 52.637362 1.313762
NR1 4HL 9 0 52.638976 1.31367
NR1 4HN 1 0 52.639021 1.311397
NR1 4HP 56 0 52.634573 1.315762
NR1 4HQ 45 1 52.634727 1.31638
NR1 4HS 27 0 52.632922 1.316273
NR1 4HT 37 2 52.632849 1.317612
NR1 4HU 31 0 52.63322 1.317522
NR1 4HW 1 1 52.642051 1.314007
NR1 4HX 22 0 52.631745 1.316553
NR1 4HY 43 3 52.63255 1.315675
NR1 4HZ 46 0 52.631357 1.315001
NR1 4JA 12 1 52.630836 1.31338
NR1 4JB 2 0 52.631536 1.311755
NR1 4JD 6 0 52.631848 1.311905
NR1 4JE 3 0 52.63197 1.312372