all postcodes in NR10 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR10 3DE 1 52.69698 1.245608
NR10 3DF 1 52.693929 1.245717
NR10 3DG 1 52.69761 1.242023
NR10 3DH 6 52.694757 1.239418
NR10 3DJ 0 52.697627 1.243697
NR10 3DL 0 52.697254 1.242544
NR10 3DN 6 52.699377 1.242849
NR10 3DP 0 52.698657 1.244824
NR10 3DQ 0 52.698197 1.242244
NR10 3DR 0 52.699321 1.244563
NR10 3DS 0 52.701186 1.243783
NR10 3DT 0 52.700401 1.244539
NR10 3DU 0 52.704419 1.241299
NR10 3DW 0 52.699864 1.243409
NR10 3DX 2 52.701869 1.240804
NR10 3DY 0 52.702663 1.239072
NR10 3DZ 0 52.703319 1.239766
NR10 3EA 0 52.703841 1.238117
NR10 3EB 8 52.705434 1.237761
NR10 3FB 2 52.706669 1.233994