all postcodes in NR10 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR10 4DE 3 52.722306 1.228184
NR10 4DF 1 52.716386 1.221009
NR10 4DG 3 52.71459 1.20428
NR10 4DH 2 52.718652 1.214012
NR10 4DJ 0 52.714671 1.201931
NR10 4DL 2 52.716184 1.200245
NR10 4DN 0 52.717489 1.203851
NR10 4DP 1 52.712379 1.202548
NR10 4DQ 1 52.716657 1.208677
NR10 4DR 1 52.711301 1.199577
NR10 4DS 0 52.713122 1.201724
NR10 4DT 7 52.699792 1.195408
NR10 4DU 2 52.701963 1.203606
NR10 4DX 0 52.698939 1.206074
NR10 4DY 0 52.698029 1.206071
NR10 4DZ 0 52.709431 1.209168
NR10 4EA 0 52.703613 1.20615
NR10 4EB 0 52.710939 1.211604
NR10 4ED 0 52.717843 1.216006
NR10 4EE 0 52.714614 1.203077