all postcodes in NR11 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR11 6BA 35 0 52.792621 1.256937
NR11 6BB 10 0 52.793382 1.256712
NR11 6BD 7 0 52.793111 1.258071
NR11 6BE 8 0 52.792589 1.259071
NR11 6BF 16 0 52.793678 1.251838
NR11 6BG 33 0 52.792314 1.257299
NR11 6BH 20 0 52.79172 1.259273
NR11 6BJ 12 0 52.791344 1.258236
NR11 6BL 9 0 52.791681 1.256763
NR11 6BN 13 10 52.794139 1.251758
NR11 6BP 18 0 52.791984 1.255554
NR11 6BQ 6 0 52.792636 1.255069
NR11 6BS 2 0 52.794659 1.252167
NR11 6BT 9 0 52.795567 1.239679
NR11 6BU 3 0 52.794909 1.249259
NR11 6BW 3 3 52.791348 1.253177
NR11 6BX 11 6 52.794893 1.248872
NR11 6BY 22 1 52.795264 1.247476
NR11 6BZ 26 0 52.795403 1.244029
NR11 6DA 6 0 52.796324 1.248178