all postcodes in NR11 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR11 7BB 7 1 52.843298 1.180751
NR11 7BD 1 0 52.837476 1.16709
NR11 7BE 5 0 52.848787 1.165153
NR11 7BG 1 0 52.836192 1.15656
NR11 7BH 3 1 52.832001 1.141659
NR11 7BJ 6 1 52.829619 1.138217
NR11 7BL 30 0 52.82817 1.138591
NR11 7BN 4 0 52.827927 1.140637
NR11 7BP 8 1 52.831173 1.137572
NR11 7BQ 2 0 52.836726 1.116294
NR11 7BS 4 0 52.833681 1.130477
NR11 7BT 1 0 52.837141 1.123392
NR11 7BU 1 0 52.833575 1.129044
NR11 7BW 3 0 52.840749 1.113074
NR11 7BX 7 1 52.833537 1.129816
NR11 7BY 2 0 52.825623 1.141362
NR11 7DB 2 0 52.830434 1.140031
NR11 7DF 4 0 52.823715 1.166118
NR11 7DG 7 0 52.829577 1.139108
NR11 7DJ 1 0 52.811791 1.279566