all postcodes in NR11 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR11 6DB 2 0 52.795734 1.24606
NR11 6DD 48 0 52.796185 1.243701
NR11 6DE 5 0 52.794971 1.243032
NR11 6DF 10 0 52.794087 1.242492
NR11 6DG 44 0 52.793429 1.240885
NR11 6DH 24 0 52.794374 1.24416
NR11 6DJ 19 0 52.794707 1.241841
NR11 6DL 39 0 52.793566 1.243106
NR11 6DN 12 0 52.795345 1.241888
NR11 6DP 6 0 52.794716 1.247142
NR11 6DQ 20 0 52.793467 1.241808
NR11 6DR 28 0 52.794368 1.246029
NR11 6DS 18 1 52.793629 1.247725
NR11 6DT 44 0 52.79222 1.248599
NR11 6DU 12 0 52.793314 1.249363
NR11 6DW 9 0 52.794434 1.24099
NR11 6DX 20 0 52.792683 1.246467
NR11 6DY 38 0 52.791332 1.248176
NR11 6DZ 8 0 52.795157 1.240539
NR11 6EA 43 2 52.791722 1.249704