all postcodes in NR12 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR12 0BP 2 0 52.744802 1.597188
NR12 0BQ 10 0 52.761053 1.577341
NR12 0BS 2 1 52.746176 1.58239
NR12 0BT 11 0 52.747453 1.574358
NR12 0BW 8 1 52.745632 1.592647
NR12 0BX 5 0 52.751119 1.578675
NR12 0DA 1 0 52.792083 1.548033
NR12 0DB 3 0 52.795167 1.548641
NR12 0DE 13 0 52.797171 1.549027
NR12 0DF 6 0 52.798625 1.55055
NR12 0DG 16 0 52.797555 1.550255
NR12 0DH 6 0 52.797771 1.55329
NR12 0DJ 18 1 52.798459 1.548939
NR12 0DL 4 0 52.798806 1.545465
NR12 0DN 1 1 52.799648 1.542516
NR12 0DP 1 0 52.795319 1.541768
NR12 0DQ 3 0 52.797081 1.553155
NR12 0DR 2 0 52.806016 1.568013
NR12 0DT 1 0 52.773469 1.585538
NR12 0UX 27 1 52.784759 1.605287