all postcodes in NR12 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR12 7EX 0 52.728678 1.346641
NR12 7HA 2 52.730762 1.363255
NR12 7HD 0 52.729537 1.356973
NR12 7HE 0 52.728276 1.362412
NR12 7HF 0 52.728862 1.361746
NR12 7HG 0 52.728845 1.360757
NR12 7HH 0 52.729919 1.361872
NR12 7HJ 0 52.729772 1.363253
NR12 7HL 2 52.730553 1.362365
NR12 7HN 0 52.73156 1.362058
NR12 7HP 0 52.731983 1.362698
NR12 7HQ 0 52.729685 1.361898
NR12 7HR 0 52.733489 1.362236
NR12 7HS 0 52.736998 1.360283
NR12 7HT 0 52.733371 1.361002
NR12 7HU 0 52.735441 1.36126
NR12 7HW 0 52.732116 1.36213
NR12 7HX 0 52.73612 1.359194
NR12 7HY 0 52.736945 1.358961
NR12 7HZ 0 52.735539 1.360334