all postcodes in NR12 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR12 8PS 3 52.69652 1.469656
NR12 8PT 1 52.695196 1.470972
NR12 8PU 0 52.697373 1.472166
NR12 8PW 0 52.700758 1.469276
NR12 8PX 2 52.696928 1.472916
NR12 8PZ 0 52.6949 1.482584
NR12 8QG 1 52.713784 1.410672
NR12 8QH 0 52.714042 1.412632
NR12 8QJ 8 52.71524 1.409443
NR12 8QL 0 52.716188 1.410879
NR12 8QN 3 52.717521 1.412687
NR12 8QP 0 52.720668 1.412103
NR12 8QR 0 52.719866 1.412159
NR12 8QS 0 52.71882 1.415691
NR12 8QT 0 52.723248 1.415593
NR12 8QU 1 52.733499 1.412839
NR12 8QY 0 52.737392 1.408515
NR12 8QZ 0 52.739266 1.40714
NR12 8RA 0 52.73915 1.405837
NR12 8RB 0 52.740303 1.406431