all postcodes in NR12 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR12 9HF 0 52.768724 1.517572
NR12 9HG 1 52.794748 1.501908
NR12 9HH 0 52.796813 1.507208
NR12 9HJ 0 52.800203 1.512753
NR12 9HL 0 52.800928 1.505258
NR12 9HN 1 52.80568 1.50852
NR12 9HP 0 52.814178 1.506741
NR12 9HQ 0 52.796266 1.508118
NR12 9HR 0 52.809019 1.501675
NR12 9HS 0 52.810184 1.498523
NR12 9HT 0 52.807975 1.496282
NR12 9HU 0 52.811076 1.496601
NR12 9HW 0 52.811452 1.505527
NR12 9HX 0 52.812466 1.490394
NR12 9HY 0 52.80905 1.488112
NR12 9HZ 0 52.814271 1.491321
NR12 9JA 0 52.809821 1.483914
NR12 9JB 0 52.804898 1.482807
NR12 9JD 1 52.803485 1.489615
NR12 9FH 0 52.801931 1.489549