all postcodes in NR14 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR14 8BA 1 52.555608 1.229632
NR14 8BB 0 52.556866 1.227364
NR14 8BD 0 52.557389 1.227653
NR14 8BE 0 52.557178 1.228464
NR14 8BF 0 52.575848 1.247551
NR14 8BG 0 52.55676 1.24012
NR14 8BH 0 52.5569 1.240603
NR14 8BJ 0 52.555733 1.240177
NR14 8BL 0 52.557958 1.228211
NR14 8BN 0 52.556208 1.239592
NR14 8BP 0 52.557944 1.231383
NR14 8BQ 0 52.558672 1.240261
NR14 8BS 0 52.556287 1.232781
NR14 8BT 0 52.556903 1.235232
NR14 8BU 0 52.557793 1.230649
NR14 8BW 0 52.556435 1.240185
NR14 8BX 0 52.558903 1.231837
NR14 8BY 0 52.557721 1.233919
NR14 8BZ 0 52.557948 1.232549
NR14 8DA 0 52.555108 1.231824