all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2QW 21 2 52.452471 0.91231
NR16 2QX 3 0 52.459288 0.919958
NR16 2QY 4 0 52.466478 0.924498
NR16 2QZ 2 1 52.464964 0.914076
NR16 2RA 21 1 52.476686 0.903532
NR16 2RB 3 0 52.466387 0.892237
NR16 2RD 2 0 52.461562 0.897347
NR16 2RE 2 0 52.45112 0.843561
NR16 2RG 5 0 52.452707 0.827295
NR16 2RH 3 0 52.449069 0.872983
NR16 2RJ 12 0 52.447315 0.874856
NR16 2RL 4 1 52.448458 0.88513
NR16 2RN 6 1 52.449919 0.889774
NR16 2RP 10 0 52.437303 0.881988
NR16 2RQ 1 0 52.449579 0.867526
NR16 2RR 5 0 52.43689 0.880489
NR16 2RS 17 0 52.436329 0.882086
NR16 2RT 8 0 52.436818 0.882339
NR16 2RU 4 0 52.437245 0.893932
NR16 2RW 4 0 52.437745 0.882762