all postcodes in NR17 / ATTLEBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR17 2LB 75 7 52.534592 1.052992
NR17 2LD 40 21 52.532589 1.06058
NR17 2LE 10 3 52.529067 1.055034
NR17 2LF 7 3 52.526124 1.052507
NR17 2LG 1 0 52.527093 1.059704
NR17 2LH 5 0 52.520505 1.04667
NR17 2LJ 3 0 52.519416 1.047052
NR17 2LL 8 1 52.519274 1.050462
NR17 2LN 7 1 52.518395 1.063242
NR17 2LP 15 0 52.518866 1.087674
NR17 2LQ 6 3 52.523449 1.046041
NR17 2LR 4 2 52.522668 1.082603
NR17 2LS 2 0 52.526922 1.07241
NR17 2LT 10 0 52.508145 1.007803
NR17 2LW 8 2 52.517834 1.079655
NR17 2LX 8 0 52.507054 1.006505
NR17 2LY 10 0 52.508296 1.008595
NR17 2NA 9 2 52.518498 1.023238
NR17 2NB 21 0 52.517883 1.024818
NR17 2ND 17 0 52.516874 1.024711