all postcodes in NR17 / ATTLEBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR17 1DF 5 0 52.548352 0.877343
NR17 1DG 42 2 52.548749 0.883918
NR17 1DH 1 0 52.556185 0.900533
NR17 1DJ 10 0 52.54165 0.894014
NR17 1DL 15 0 52.54101 0.889679
NR17 1DN 5 0 52.539759 0.882724
NR17 1DP 10 0 52.531276 0.861103
NR17 1HD 7 0 52.530583 0.863602
NR17 1DQ 4 0 52.550599 0.896919
NR17 1DR 6 1 52.517 0.847004
NR17 1DS 25 3 52.499209 0.926479
NR17 1DT 9 1 52.495774 0.933934
NR17 1DU 16 1 52.501386 0.922666
NR17 1DW 9 0 52.533642 0.872582
NR17 1DX 6 0 52.506334 0.928787
NR17 1DY 41 0 52.501416 0.917224
NR17 1DZ 2 1 52.499795 0.913513
NR17 1EA 6 0 52.504169 0.897651
NR17 1EB 5 0 52.502507 0.888758
NR17 1ED 5 1 52.49552 0.899778