all postcodes in NR19 / DEREHAM

find any address or company within the NR19 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR19 2LB 0 52.670337 0.891435
NR19 2LD 0 52.669487 0.889056
NR19 2LE 0 52.676749 0.810708
NR19 2LF 0 52.654308 0.901881
NR19 2LG 0 52.66037 0.907371
NR19 2LH 0 52.672962 0.92954
NR19 2LJ 2 52.671741 0.921085
NR19 2LL 0 52.671812 0.911252
NR19 2LN 0 52.671362 0.890719
NR19 2LP 0 52.677451 0.859548
NR19 2LQ 12 52.662627 0.918318
NR19 2LR 0 52.677181 0.859915
NR19 2LS 0 52.673045 0.851542
NR19 2LT 0 52.673341 0.861424
NR19 2LU 0 52.669277 0.856173
NR19 2LW 0 52.670312 0.888016
NR19 2LX 0 52.679327 0.849979
NR19 2LY 0 52.679746 0.850154
NR19 2LZ 0 52.680475 0.845615
NR19 2NA 0 52.680287 0.841859