all postcodes in NR19 / DEREHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR19 1PG 0 52.671676 0.933907
NR19 1PH 0 52.672033 0.931475
NR19 1PJ 0 52.672635 0.931471
NR19 1PL 0 52.672647 0.932433
NR19 1PN 0 52.672649 0.933824
NR19 1PP 0 52.673941 0.942528
NR19 1PQ 0 52.671798 0.932968
NR19 1PS 0 52.673735 0.94443
NR19 1PU 3 52.669892 0.945636
NR19 1PW 0 52.672777 0.935179
NR19 1PX 5 52.672997 0.94623
NR19 1PY 0 52.67176 0.942448
NR19 1PZ 0 52.671113 0.943914
NR19 1QA 0 52.671111 0.942183
NR19 1QB 0 52.670943 0.941698
NR19 1QD 0 52.670474 0.933412
NR19 1QE 1 52.655746 0.927516
NR19 1QF 1 52.65676 0.945019
NR19 1QG 0 52.650253 0.941964
NR19 1QH 0 52.646986 0.939542