all postcodes in NR2 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR2 1SB 13 52.625801 1.289766
NR2 1SH 23 52.625801 1.289766
NR2 1SU 17 52.625801 1.289766
NR2 1SY 7 52.625801 1.289766
NR2 1SZ 6 52.626094 1.29179
NR2 1JP 1 1 52.629011 1.292402
NR2 1SQ 11 10 52.625801 1.289766
NR2 1RS 2 2 52.625826 1.289789
NR2 1EE 23 0 52.630109 1.290037
NR2 1QP 2 2 52.626936 1.292548
NR2 1BF 0 52.630575 1.288543
NR2 1EA 1 52.629323 1.29442
NR2 1DW 2 0 52.630434 1.290002