all postcodes in NR2 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR2 2LB 16 0 52.617547 1.27836
NR2 2LF 12 0 52.620275 1.287002
NR2 2LG 12 0 52.620027 1.28688
NR2 2LH 20 0 52.620661 1.287356
NR2 2LJ 1 1 52.618144 1.286325
NR2 2LN 50 29 52.614624 1.283549
NR2 2LP 8 0 52.619996 1.28571
NR2 2LQ 1 1 52.618144 1.286325
NR2 2LR 1 1 52.618442 1.283717
NR2 2LU 22 0 52.619687 1.288096
NR2 2LW 24 0 52.61429 1.284248
NR2 2LX 2 0 52.616504 1.283164
NR2 2LY 6 0 52.615215 1.282338
NR2 2LZ 4 0 52.613715 1.281945
NR2 2NA 3 0 52.613383 1.28127
NR2 2NB 18 0 52.617546 1.282615
NR2 2ND 3 0 52.616421 1.281985
NR2 2NE 8 0 52.617016 1.27934
NR2 2NF 6 0 52.616416 1.276975
NR2 2NG 4 0 52.615956 1.276719