all postcodes in NR21 / FAKENHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR21 7LG 25 1 52.826058 0.841288
NR21 7LH 9 1 52.827246 0.836363
NR21 7LJ 23 0 52.826717 0.834101
NR21 7LL 16 0 52.82395 0.833609
NR21 7LN 24 2 52.825353 0.835052
NR21 7LP 32 0 52.822687 0.831835
NR21 7LQ 1 0 52.825774 0.838552
NR21 7LR 1 0 52.819257 0.832056
NR21 7LS 1 0 52.818939 0.831086
NR21 7LT 39 0 52.818265 0.832141
NR21 7LU 38 0 52.818515 0.833701
NR21 7LW 19 0 52.822269 0.833174
NR21 7LX 2 2 52.826369 0.846698
NR21 7LY 28 0 52.825899 0.833721
NR21 7LZ 25 0 52.828039 0.840824
NR21 7NA 30 2 52.820329 0.842458
NR21 7NB 6 0 52.814768 0.848255
NR21 7ND 21 2 52.803245 0.851076
NR21 7NE 3 0 52.801197 0.848288
NR21 7NF 4 0 52.802742 0.850657