all postcodes in NR21 / FAKENHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR21 9PJ 0 52.877243 0.763213
NR21 9PL 0 52.884438 0.763984
NR21 9PS 0 52.883866 0.7642
NR21 9PN 0 52.883045 0.765872
NR21 9PP 0 52.884233 0.767761
NR21 9PQ 0 52.886415 0.763664
NR21 9PR 0 52.884457 0.768578
NR21 9PU 0 52.885729 0.767604
NR21 9PW 2 52.882292 0.766924
NR21 9PX 0 52.847709 0.816917
NR21 9PY 0 52.844573 0.815303
NR21 9QB 0 52.84255 0.815633
NR21 9QD 1 52.841846 0.815765
NR21 9QE 0 52.84106 0.816665
NR21 9QF 1 52.841831 0.811071
NR21 9QG 1 52.837313 0.808597
NR21 9QJ 0 52.843729 0.822437
NR21 9QL 0 52.829675 0.846527
NR21 9QN 0 52.840484 0.847606
NR21 9QP 2 52.838527 0.845606