all postcodes in NR23 / WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA

find any address or company within the NR23 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR23 1BA 3 52.957609 0.848774
NR23 1BB 0 52.957275 0.845062
NR23 1BD 0 52.957055 0.846388
NR23 1BE 0 52.957054 0.84679
NR23 1BF 0 52.957693 0.846368
NR23 1BG 0 52.957464 0.847323
NR23 1BH 0 52.957279 0.847889
NR23 1BJ 0 52.95681 0.847206
NR23 1BL 0 52.957117 0.847524
NR23 1BN 0 52.956932 0.848137
NR23 1BP 0 52.956397 0.851301
NR23 1BQ 2 52.95746 0.848586
NR23 1BS 0 52.956457 0.849533
NR23 1BT 0 52.956729 0.844982
NR23 1BU 0 52.956764 0.844254
NR23 1BW 0 52.957247 0.848855
NR23 1BX 0 52.955673 0.845103
NR23 1BY 1 52.955823 0.844115
NR23 1BZ 1 52.955035 0.84286
NR23 1DA 0 52.957375 0.844277