all postcodes in NR28 / NORTH WALSHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR28 0BA 15 0 52.824843 1.384806
NR28 0BB 4 0 52.824509 1.385166
NR28 0BD 11 10 52.826016 1.380313
NR28 0BE 93 0 52.825609 1.383797
NR28 0BF 38 0 52.820728 1.375241
NR28 0BG 18 0 52.826945 1.386533
NR28 0BH 29 1 52.82145 1.38331
NR28 0BJ 3 0 52.820953 1.379901
NR28 0BL 48 0 52.820463 1.377269
NR28 0BP 37 0 52.819531 1.378692
NR28 0BQ 4 3 52.820065 1.38334
NR28 0BS 14 0 52.818875 1.376181
NR28 0BT 34 0 52.817667 1.37402
NR28 0BU 27 0 52.820414 1.378954
NR28 0BW 35 0 52.819422 1.376565
NR28 0BX 1 1 52.825791 1.380311
NR28 0BY 6 0 52.81987 1.377219
NR28 0BZ 5 0 52.823767 1.380907
NR28 0DA 46 5 52.822617 1.38532
NR28 0DB 82 18 52.825963 1.390035