all postcodes in NR29 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR29 3HH 0 52.66221 1.642653
NR29 3HJ 2 52.660176 1.643275
NR29 3HL 0 52.659778 1.639552
NR29 3HN 1 52.662909 1.652082
NR29 3HP 0 52.663956 1.655743
NR29 3HR 0 52.664644 1.656207
NR29 3HS 0 52.661897 1.663841
NR29 3HT 0 52.661481 1.658687
NR29 3HU 0 52.660751 1.661082
NR29 3HW 1 52.661883 1.650037
NR29 3HX 0 52.661999 1.67103
NR29 3HY 3 52.660059 1.671201
NR29 3HZ 0 52.659906 1.66891
NR29 3JA 1 52.655725 1.665069
NR29 3JB 4 52.644098 1.671637
NR29 3JD 0 52.6301 1.677811
NR29 3JE 0 52.651841 1.676079
NR29 3JF 1 52.653867 1.680325
NR29 3JG 0 52.657889 1.682867
NR29 3JL 0 52.661215 1.660618