all postcodes in NR3 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR3 3HE 0 52.638336 1.287899
NR3 3HF 1 52.638695 1.289226
NR3 3HG 0 52.63935 1.289941
NR3 3HH 0 52.640111 1.291358
NR3 3HL 0 52.641453 1.292583
NR3 3HN 0 52.639206 1.292222
NR3 3HP 1 52.641813 1.292891
NR3 3HQ 2 52.638916 1.290662
NR3 3HR 3 52.64315 1.292045
NR3 3HS 1 52.642644 1.292761
NR3 3HT 2 52.643687 1.292115
NR3 3HU 0 52.644447 1.29164
NR3 3HW 0 52.639994 1.292325
NR3 3HX 0 52.64617 1.290823
NR3 3HY 1 52.640669 1.292589
NR3 3HZ 1 52.640657 1.293055
NR3 3JA 0 52.64544 1.291507
NR3 3JB 0 52.645994 1.291298
NR3 3JD 0 52.647354 1.291252
NR3 3JE 0 52.646733 1.29159