all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 3BB 25 0 52.602037 1.732954
NR30 3BD 11 0 52.602019 1.733218
NR30 3BE 2 0 52.602091 1.733497
NR30 3BG 3 0 52.602242 1.733296
NR30 3BH 39 4 52.601477 1.734147
NR30 3BJ 14 0 52.601701 1.733324
NR30 3BL 13 0 52.600999 1.733353
NR30 3BN 16 0 52.600966 1.734104
NR30 3BP 28 0 52.601056 1.732664
NR30 3BQ 35 9 52.602635 1.733936
NR30 3BS 6 0 52.60096 1.732567
NR30 3BT 5 0 52.602152 1.734441
NR30 3BU 10 0 52.601621 1.730156
NR30 3BW 7 0 52.601426 1.733197
NR30 3BX 24 1 52.602142 1.731308
NR30 3BZ 11 1 52.599228 1.729879
NR30 3DA 10 0 52.599349 1.728338
NR30 3DB 18 0 52.601302 1.731444
NR30 3DF 28 0 52.595279 1.729602
NR30 3DG 55 2 52.597379 1.73088