all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 9DD 0 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9DH 1 0 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9EJ 0 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9EP 1 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9FB 1 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9FF 1 1 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9FG 1 1 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9FH 0 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9FN 1 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9FS 1 1 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9FU 1 1 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9FW 1 1 52.612445 1.724641
NR30 9FX 1 0 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 9ZZ 1 52.612536 1.724583
NR30 9GE 1 1 52.612445 1.724641
NR30 9GF 1 1 52.612445 1.724641
NR30 9GH 1 1 52.612445 1.724641
NR30 9GL 0 52.612445 1.724641