all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 4QX 8 0 52.492118 1.726162
NR32 4QY 3 0 52.493566 1.725312
NR32 4QZ 47 1 52.495191 1.723136
NR32 4RA 43 0 52.493573 1.723382
NR32 4RB 32 0 52.492726 1.722574
NR32 4RD 27 0 52.493178 1.723069
NR32 4RE 10 0 52.491813 1.721288
NR32 4RF 16 0 52.491034 1.720043
NR32 4RG 10 0 52.491566 1.720575
NR32 4RH 14 0 52.491074 1.721329
NR32 4RJ 6 0 52.490624 1.719626
NR32 4RL 10 0 52.490342 1.719454
NR32 4RN 27 0 52.490647 1.722044
NR32 4RP 4 0 52.49033 1.724677
NR32 4RQ 10 0 52.490194 1.720709
NR32 4RR 24 0 52.491444 1.72329
NR32 4RS 25 1 52.492391 1.723208
NR32 4RT 6 0 52.492634 1.724054
NR32 4RU 8 0 52.491667 1.724216
NR32 4RW 4 0 52.489896 1.721605