all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 5BD 33 1 52.509123 1.701103
NR32 5BE 38 0 52.509298 1.701848
NR32 5BJ 7 0 52.513161 1.708586
NR32 5BL 23 0 52.513989 1.708302
NR32 5BN 3 0 52.513156 1.710488
NR32 5BP 8 0 52.511759 1.718021
NR32 5BS 14 0 52.511886 1.719396
NR32 5BW 7 0 52.511319 1.716259
NR32 5BX 16 0 52.519284 1.708955
NR32 5BY 10 0 52.518908 1.708053
NR32 5DA 9 0 52.50575 1.733434
NR32 5DB 4 0 52.507128 1.732239
NR32 5DD 17 0 52.507889 1.728367
NR32 5DE 11 0 52.510087 1.724263
NR32 5DF 1 1 52.505235 1.737488
NR32 5DG 1 0 52.511265 1.723125
NR32 5DH 6 0 52.493847 1.71211
NR32 5DJ 9 0 52.493792 1.711847
NR32 5DL 4 0 52.492919 1.707559
NR32 5DN 4 0 52.491451 1.699301