all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 2SE 24 0 52.48332 1.737587
NR32 2SF 12 0 52.48342 1.738686
NR32 2SH 6 0 52.484145 1.739366
NR32 2SJ 25 0 52.485177 1.738305
NR32 2SL 26 0 52.484833 1.739248
NR32 2SN 31 0 52.484674 1.739721
NR32 2SP 6 0 52.485105 1.740582
NR32 2SR 41 0 52.484267 1.73752
NR32 2SS 24 0 52.485465 1.73718
NR32 2ST 8 0 52.486149 1.736325
NR32 2SU 50 0 52.483083 1.739689
NR32 2SW 13 0 52.484494 1.740855
NR32 2SX 7 1 52.482671 1.740479
NR32 2SY 47 0 52.484963 1.741941
NR32 2TD 66 13 52.473924 1.748524
NR32 2TE 7 7 52.473687 1.741263
NR32 2PQ 7 0 52.48239 1.735726
NR32 2HD 13 52.477618 1.731299
NR32 2JN 0 52.478702 1.73886
NR32 2EW 1 1 52.475276 1.737965