all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 4LP 24 0 52.498092 1.74008
NR32 4LQ 4 0 52.498971 1.743854
NR32 4LR 12 0 52.498627 1.740788
NR32 4LS 18 0 52.499195 1.740188
NR32 4LT 8 0 52.498103 1.741451
NR32 4LU 10 0 52.49892 1.742066
NR32 4LW 11 0 52.498151 1.742472
NR32 4LX 19 1 52.499252 1.742094
NR32 4LY 7 0 52.497757 1.739874
NR32 4LZ 7 0 52.497887 1.739458
NR32 4NA 10 0 52.49887 1.739954
NR32 4NB 3 0 52.498581 1.740268
NR32 4ND 7 0 52.500227 1.740246
NR32 4NE 1 0 52.499375 1.737344
NR32 4NF 11 0 52.499166 1.737135
NR32 4NG 6 0 52.499821 1.739165
NR32 4NH 28 0 52.500792 1.739174
NR32 4NJ 29 0 52.500387 1.735764
NR32 4NL 8 0 52.50043 1.738966
NR32 4NN 8 0 52.501289 1.738258