all postcodes in NR33 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR33 7JE 0 52.461533 1.728804
NR33 7JF 0 52.460308 1.727169
NR33 7JG 4 52.462768 1.72988
NR33 7JH 1 52.460315 1.726359
NR33 7JL 0 52.454775 1.724345
NR33 7JP 0 52.459074 1.727226
NR33 7JQ 0 52.461784 1.728545
NR33 7JR 0 52.458681 1.72628
NR33 7JS 1 52.457492 1.724884
NR33 7JU 0 52.458489 1.726367
NR33 7JW 0 52.457605 1.72588
NR33 7JX 0 52.458198 1.725032
NR33 7LA 0 52.455651 1.731369
NR33 7LB 0 52.457431 1.730238
NR33 7LD 0 52.459291 1.729174
NR33 7LE 1 52.459056 1.728624
NR33 7LF 0 52.460755 1.728679
NR33 7LG 0 52.45646 1.731658
NR33 7LH 0 52.45823 1.73172
NR33 7LJ 1 52.460884 1.73028